Experienced Korean doctor of acupuncture and traditional oriental medicine specializing in internal organs, women's health, orthopedic pains, nervous system disorders, etc.
Specializing in customize Herbal Formula.
Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) and Master of Traditional Chines
Experienced Korean doctor of acupuncture and traditional oriental medicine specializing in internal organs, women's health, orthopedic pains, nervous system disorders, etc.
Specializing in customize Herbal Formula.
Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) and Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MTCM) degree from the Five Branches University accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM)
Dipl. Of Oriental Medicine (#150299) by National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Licensed Acupuncturist of Georgia (#338)
Qualified Medical Evaluator of California (#140923)
Five Branches University | San Jose, CA
Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Doctoral Thesis: Clinical Case Report on Two Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (MSTCM)
Tui-Na Certification (500hr) | Five Branches University, CA
Atlanta Campus of Virginia University of Integrative Medicine
Serving as an adjunct faculty teaching the following courses.
Acupuncture Treatment for Internal Disorders
Oriental Phytology
Oriental Gynecology
Oriental Pediatrics
Oriental Medicine Case Study
Classic Book “Shang Han Lun”
Clinic Internship
Rio Acupuncture& Parkinson Center | Atlanta, GA
Acupuncturist and Herbalist
Responsible for the patients with Pain management, Parkinson’s disease, Multi-sclerosis, Diabetes, OB/GYN issues, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Digestive & Cardiopulmonary issues, Allergy, Headaches, Sport Performance, Plantar fasciitis, Knee/Hip/Back pain, etc.
Athena Medical Group | Monterey and Salinas, CA
Acupuncturist, Herbalist and QME
Served as an acupuncturist and herbalist co-working with MD, DO and Chiropractor to provide following service which is comprehensive, fully personalized and administered by our team members who specialize in the following types of care.
Gynecology & Urogynecology
Internal medicine including rheumatology
Qualified Medical Evaluator to resolve any medical disputes in a workers’ compensation
Pyung Gang Cho (Reina) DOM, LAc
Pyung Gang Cho (Reina) DOM, LAc
Pyung Gang Cho (Reina) DOM, LAc
Experienced Korean doctor of oriental medicine specializing in women's health, nervous system disorders and pain management etc.
2nd generation of Oriental Medicine Doctor.
Specializing in customize Herbal Formula.
Licensed Acupuncturist of Georgia (#516)
Licensed Acupuncturist of New York (#006560
Experienced Korean doctor of oriental medicine specializing in women's health, nervous system disorders and pain management etc.
2nd generation of Oriental Medicine Doctor.
Specializing in customize Herbal Formula.
Licensed Acupuncturist of Georgia (#516)
Licensed Acupuncturist of New York (#006560)
Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) degree on the course of the Virginia University of Integrative Medicine and Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MTCM) degree from the University of East-West Medicine accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM)
Dipl. Of Acupuncture (#170557) by National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Virginia University of Integrative Medicine | Vienna, VA
Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM)
University of East-West Medicine | Sunnyvale, CA
Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (MSTCM)
Licensed Acupuncturist | GA (#516), New York (#006560)
Dipl. Of Acupuncture | NCCAOM (#170557)
Celestial Oriental Medicine
Acupuncturist and Herbalist
Responsible for the patients with Stress, Insomnia, Pain management, Parkinson’s disease, Multi-sclerosis, Diabetes, OB/GYN issues, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Digestive & Cardiopulmonary issues, Allergy, Headaches, Sport Performance, Plantar fasciitis, Knee/Hip/Back pain, etc.
Gaon Rehab & Wellness Clinic | Bayside, New York
Acupuncturist and Herbalist
Served as an acupuncturist and herbalist co-working with MD, DO, Physical Therapist and Chiropractor to provide following service which is comprehensive, fully personalized and administered by our team members who specialize in the following types of care.
1. Pain Management
2. Surgical Recovery
3. Nervous Systems
Responsible for the patients with women's health etc.